Mars’ July Jamboree ~ 30 Jun 2019

Later tomorrow Mars transacts ingress into Leo. Upon entering, he leaves behind a stinging memory of his alignment with inner planet companion Mercury and the opposition they shared with Saturn and Pluto. Feelings persist of being resisted, opposed, encroached upon, subverted, usurped and a collection of other discussions and efforts mounted that didn’t seem properly transacted. However, Mars, determined for all efforts to be noticed, shakes it off and blows by those reactions in the interest of manifesting results in life that dignify his existence and efforts on your horoscope’s behalf.

Mars in Leo intends to be confident, bold, determined and proactive while holding the realization that most everyone shares some semblance of the same inspirations and perceptions of dominion. There is a magnanimousness with Leo that realizes everyone deserves their slice of destiny. A clearly motivated Mars - one that operates from self assurance - feels no pressure of competitiveness and seeks to build no empires. Mars simply seeks to make the biggest splash possible, without flaming out - to mix metaphors and elements.

So what’s Mars’ jamboree thing that stirs all this inner hankering?

On 03 July Mars trines Ceres in Sagittarius.

Advocate for your truth by investing action in what you believe.

Clarify moral high ground.

Walk the talk. Impeccably, on the high road.

Do what you know is best for your destiny.

Come 10 July Mars trines Chiron in Aries.

Lick the wounds of ego bruises, self confidence woes. Not for long, though.

List all personal attributes and skills. Savor them. Manta: I am more than enough.

Focus on the fact that no one can take away what is true about you.

Stir the fire within to do all good things. Feel and thrive in that fire.

Our latest officially named dwarf planet deserves her do in the Martian matrix ahead. This powerful shape shifter, G!kunll'homdima, weaves in and out of complications that do not further. Her instincts guide all action into actions and causes that do. She seeks only justice, not vengeance.

On 23 July Mars sextiles G!kunll'homdima in Gemini.

Decide what action is required by the times.

Carefully discern the distinction between battles and wars. Engage any and all conflict with such discernment.

Issue no threats you do not intend to fulfill.

Select challenges that best suit your personal fulfillment.

Come 24 July Mars trines Jupiter in Sagittarius.

For your own benefit declare what you believe. Assimilate it as creed.

Do that goal setting thing, despite the time required to do so.

Initiate one key action to instigate each declared objective every single day.

Repeat the mantra: Perseverance furthers.

Stay in the moment. Focus on what appears in front of you. Whatever that may be, it is a cosmic manifestation of your “here and now” position, and as such there is a purpose at this crossroad.

A note on a sequence of quincunxes in which Mars will next align. A quincunx signals impedance, not resistance. The slow down, thickening of plots or the bottle neck (which increases all pressures) felt as gravitational disturbance appear to induce a seeker to tweak the trajectory, examine and modify energy output as necessary, to perfect the pursuit. These next alignments do not reproduce the abject confrontations felt during the recent dealing with Pluto and Saturn.

They do, however, demand a perfection of self representation, dedicated action that supports that personal representation, especially as it refers to the innermost passions and how inclined a person might be to manifest results from those passions. Fruit can be gathered by adjusting the means and method of harvest.

On 26 July Mars quincunxes Saturn in Capricorn.

When glitches appear, consider if the current action is optimal. Can it, should it be adjusted?

Evaluate resources, energetic and material.

Reconfigure deadlines. Match those with what yet must be acquired and what energy must be summoned.

Edit efforts to include efficiency, conservation and best application of resources.

Right tool for the right job.

On 31 July Mars quincunxes Neptune in Pisces.

Take a moment. What was the original intention?

What creative radar blip requires immediate attention? Address it first. That’s the flow and where the energy organically follows.

Fortify the body with food and rest. Fortify the spirit with visualization of outcomes.

Define the end game of all efforts.

The July jamboree trickles into the season of Augustus...

On 04 August Mars quincunxes Pluto in Capricorn.

Focus on the fact that your power and attributes cannot be stolen, nor can your intention be to usurp power, nor ride coattails.

Ponder dominion.

Consider there is no competition. Only those who do similar things in different ways.

Believe in your exclusivity.

Find where in your body the ultimate source of energy resides. Make that a temple within.

And last but not least for Mars in Leo, on 08 August - Mars trines Eris in Aries.

Decide what persons, organizations and events serve your objectives.

Delete and deselect anything that does not contribute to your aspirations or consciousness.

Mull what it means to be in the perfect zone of not too little, not too much.

Make a daily ritual of envisioning your spirit comfortably residing in body.

More soon.